Items: Economic Development
An Overview of Changes in Land Cover and Developed Land in Kentucky Counties from 2001-2021
By Dr. Lucas Taulbee
Published on Jan. 30, 2025
A key input in the production of housing is land. Without suitable land, it is practically impossible to produce housing. In this paper, Dr. Lucas Taulbee examines county level changes in land cover and developed land in Kentucky with data from the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Land Cover Database (NLCD).
Publication | State Incentives for New and Expanding Businesses
By Beka Burton, CEDIK Economic Development Extension Specialist
Published on Feb. 15, 2023
There are multiple incentives offered through the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We list the most popular incentives, and also link to a complete list at the end of the document with all available options and state links, so you can determine what would be the best fit for your community or business.
Publication | Economic Development Terms and Acronyms
By Beka Burton, CEDIK Economic Development Extension Specialist
Published on Feb. 15, 2023
Every industry has their own jargon. The economic development world is no exception. It is important to know and understand the most commonly used terms as they will equip you with the knowledge you need to help your community grow and thrive. For easy reference we have compiled a condensed list of terms that you will hear the most often.
Publication | How to Run for Elected Office in Kentucky
By Beka Burton, CEDIK Economic Development Extension Specialist
Published on Feb. 15, 2023
Elected officials are an active community partner in economic development. We provide a two page guide that has a step-by-step process for registration, as well as the website URLs and contact information you will need.
Publication | How to Respond to a Request for Information
By Beka Burton, CEDIK Economic Development Extension Specialist
Published on Feb. 15, 2023
A community can receive a Request for Information (RFI) from either a business directly or from the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development. It will typically include the following: a project description, the project investment, and an approximate number of new jobs that will be created.