Contact Information

Sarah Bowker
Managing Director

824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383


County Data Profiles

County Data Profiles

County Data Profiles


To provide timely and relevant data for Kentucky communities. If you have any questions about the data or suggestions for new profiles, contact Simona Balazs, CEDIK Research Director.

icon of two people in work attire


Education, earnings, top occupations, commuting characteristics and more.

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icon set of stethoscope, heart, and healthcare cross


Top employment, industry characteristics, population health indicators, providers and more.

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icon of four houses


Housing characteristics, projections, values, and owner/renter characteristics and more.

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icon of bar chart with arrow moving up and to the right and dollar sign


Demographic characteristics, jobs, employment, unemployment, personal income and more.

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icon set with pages, dollar sign and calculator

County Budgets

An overview of the financial activity of local government and weather data from FEMA and NOAA to illustrate the reality of public investment in addressing public disaster damage.

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icons of two buildings and a tree

Small Business

General characteristics, top industries, change over time, innovation, employment size and more.

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icon set of two building storefronts and dollar sign

Retail Sector

Top sub-sector employment, industry characteristics, employment and earnings by age, sub-sector pull factors and more.

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icon of small farm with silo and crops


Farm economics, top sales by commodity, farms by acreage and sales, farm operations and workforce, and more.

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icon of a computer mouse connected to a grid of a globe

Digital Divide

Access to broadband, and the ability of the community to use broadband technology are used to inform an overall “Digital Divide Index Score.”

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Data Profiles Contact:

Simona Balazs

Research Director, CEDIK

(859) 218-5764 414 C.E. Barnhart Building Lexington, KY 40546

Contact Information

Sarah Bowker
Managing Director

824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383
