Research Publications List
Journal/Book Publications:
Upendram, S., Madhosingh-Hector, R., Seals, L., Lachapelle, P., Gibson, H., Kahl, D. (2023). The Role of Cooperative Extension in Community and Economic Development in the United States. In: Muia, D., Phillips, R. (eds) Connectedness, Resilience and Empowerment. Community Quality-of-Life and Well-Being. Springer, Cham.
Yoko Kusunose, Jairus Rossi, David Van Sanford, Phillip Alderman, James Anderson, Yuan Chai, Maria Gerullis, Krishna Jagadish, Pierce Paul, Jesse Tack, Brian Wright. (2023). Sustaining Productivity Gains in the Face of Climate Change: A Research Agenda for U.S. Wheat. Global Change Biology, 29(4), 926-934. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16538
Jairus Rossi, Mahla Zare, and Tim Woods (2022). US Farmers Markets--Essential Business Survival in Disrupting Times. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 53(1), 23-32.
Jairus Rossi and Tim Woods (2021). CSA Incentives as Wellness Programs: Identifying Potential Shareholder Impacts and Organizational Strategies for Implementation, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 11(1), 1-18.
Dawn Thilmany, Lilian Brislen, Hailey Edmondson, MacKenzie Gill, Becca Jablonski, Jairus Rossi, Tim Woods, and Samantha Schaffstall (2021). Novel methods for an interesting time: Exploring U.S. local food systems' impacts and initiatives to respond to COVID, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 65(4), 848-877.
Hailey Edmondson, MacKenzie Gill, Becca Jablonski, Jessica Ladd, Jairus Rossi, Samantha Schaffstall, Dawn Thilmany, and Tim Woods (2021). U.S. Consumer Food Insights During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Choices - Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, Quarter 4.
Jairus Rossi, Tim Woods & Alison Davis (2020). Resident perspectives on local food system performance and development priorities: A pilot analysis of the local food vitality index, Local Development & Society, DOI: 10.1080/26883597.2020.1854037
Jairus Rossi & Tim Woods (2020). Understanding Shareholder Satisfaction and Retention in CSA Incentive Programs, Journal of Food Distribution Research. 51:3, 16-40.
Cushing, Brian, Elham Erfanian, and David Peters (2020). "The National Drug Crisis - What Have We Learned from the Regional Science Disciplines?" Review of Regional Studies. 50, 353-382.
Alzahrani, Fahad, Alan R. Collins, and Elham Erfanian. "Drinking water quality impacts on health care expenditures in the United States." Water Resources and Economics (2020): 100162.
Erfanian, E., & Collins, A. R. (2020). Air Quality and Asthma Hospitalization: Evidence of PM2.5 Concentrations in Pennsylvania Counties. Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy. 50(1):1-15.
Chaudhary S, Davis A, Troske K, Troske S. IZA DP No. 12797: Hospital Closures and Short-Run Change in Ambulance Call Times. Bonn, Germany: IZA – Institute of Labor Economics; November 2019.
Jairus Rossi, Tim Woods, & Alison Davis (2018). The Local Food System Vitality Index. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 8(3):137-158.
Tim Woods, Ali Asgari, & Jairus Rossi (2018). Trust Signals and Legitimacy in Local Products for Local Markets. Choices. Quarter 3.
Jayoung Koo (2018). Visibility of Sustainable Development Efforts: Assessment of Kentucky Trail Towns. Journal of Sustainable Development. 1(6): 187-204.
Zimmerman, Julie N., & Kahl, Daniel. (2018) Finding Publicly Available Data for Extension Planning and Programming: Developing Community Portraits. Journal of Extension. 56(3).
Daniel Kahl & A. Campbell (2018). “Engaging Citizens to Influence Climate Change.” In Albrecht, D. & Lachapelle, P. (eds), Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the U.S. London: Routledge Publishing.
Rossi, Jairus J., Timothy A. Woods, and James E. Allen, IV (2017). Impacts of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Voucher Program on Food Lifestyle Behaviors: Evidence from an Employer-Sponsored Pilot Program. Sustainability. 9(9):1543. doi:10.3390/su9091543
Rossi, Jairus, James E. Allen IV, Timothy A. Woods, and Alison F. Davis (2017). CSA shareholder food lifestyle behaviors: a comparison across consumer groups. Agriculture and Human Values. doi:10.1007/s10460-017-9779-79
Allen, James, IV, Jairus Rossi, Timothy Woods, and Alison Davis (2016). Do community supported agriculture programmes encourage change to food lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes? New evidence from shareholders. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. doi: 10.1080/14735903.2016.1177866
Owusu-Amankwah, Georgette, Jason R. Swanson, James E. Allen IV, Junghee Han, and Alison Davis (2016). Restaurant tax feasibility: determinants of restaurant threshold price. International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management (IJHEM). 1:4. doi: 10.1504/IJHEM.2016.10003047
R.J. Coleman, M.G. Rossano, C. Jill Stowe, S. Johnson, A. Davis, J. Allen IV, A.E. Jarrett, G. Grulke, L. Brown and S. Clark (2015). The 2012 Kentucky Equine Survey: importance and impact of the equine industry in Kentucky. in C. Vial and R. Evans (eds), The New Equine Economy in the 21st Century. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Nicole Breazeale, Michael W-P Fortunato, James Allen IV, Ronald J. Hustedde, Helen Pushkarskaya (2015). Constructing a multi-dimensional measure of local entrepreneurial culture. Community Development. 46:5, 516-540. doi: 10.1080/15575330.2015.1080743
Reports, Policy Briefs & Working Papers:
Dawn Thilmany, Lilian Brislen, Jairus Rossi, Tim Woods, Samantha Schaffstall, Becca Jablonski, Hailey Edmondson, and MacKenzie Gill. 2022. Final Report 1.0: Local and Regional Food System Covid-19 Rapid Response. Local Food Economics - Colorado State University.
Libby Christensen, Jairus Rossi, and Dawn Thilmany. 2022. Exploring Awareness and Promotional Linkages to New Market Channels. Local Food Systems Response to COVID. Local Food Economics - Colorado State University, LFS-CFI-2.04
Balazs, Simona and Alison F Davis, The Importance of Agriculture for Kentucky - 2022 Update, Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky, University of Kentucky, March 2022.
Scally, Corianne Payton, Rebecca Marx, Ines Polonius and Alison Davis. 2021. "Preparing Rural Water Systems for Extreme Weather and Climate Disasters: Lessons from South Texas and Winter Storm Uri." Urban Institute Research Report, released December 20, 2021.
Jairus Rossi (2021). Changes in Expenditures at Local Food Market Channels in Different Sized Communities, Local Food Systems Response to COVID. Local Food Economics - Colorado State University, LFS-CFI-10.
Jairus Rossi, Sarah Rocker, and Dawn Thilmany (2021). Exploring Awareness and Promotional Linkages to New Market Channels during COVID, Local Food Systems Response to COVID. Local Food Economics - Colorado State University, LFS-CFI-09.
Jairus Rossi (2021). Consumer Changes in Weekly Food Expenditures by Market Channel in Non-Metropolitan Communities Local Food Systems Response to COVID, Local Food Economics- Colorado State University, LFS-CFI-06.
Jairus Rossi (2021). Local Food Perception Differences Between Residents in Different Sized Communities Local Food Systems Response to COVID, Local Food Economics - Colorado State University, LFS-CFI-05.
Jairus Rossi (2021). Ticketed Entry for Agritourism USDA Ag Marketing Service - Local Food Systems Response to COVID-19 Project, University of Kentucky AEC Extension Publication (LSF-IB-16).
Jairus Rossi (2021). The Restaurant Relief Reboot Program: An Innovation Brief USDA Ag Marketing Service - Local Food Systems Response to COVID-19 Project, University of Kentucky AEC Extension (LSFIB-07).
Shakya, Sh., Erfanian, E, & Scarcioffolo, A. 2020. The Political Economy of Vermont’s Abortion Bill. Regional Research Institute Working Papers. 216. Available at:
Davis, Alison. Considerations for Future Utility Scale Solar Farm Developments. Staff Paper No. 498, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, September 2020.
Troske S, Davis AF. Do Hospitals Closures Affect Patient Time in an Ambulance? Lexington, KY: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center; 2019.
Rossi, Jairus, A. Lee Meyer, and Jann Knappage, "Beyond Farmers Markets: Local Foods Opportunities in Southeastern Kentucky's Retail and Institutional Industry," Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development, U.S. Economic Development Authority, March 2018.
Troske, SuZanne and Alison Davis, Ambulance Services for Medicare Beneficiaries: State Differences in Usage, 2012-2014. Lexington, KY: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center; 2017.
Ona, Lucia, James Allen IV, Alison Davis, and Xiao He, "Determinants of Bypass Behavior for Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) in Rural Kentucky," Staff Paper No. 496, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, June 2016.
Brislen, Lilian, Jairus Rossi, and Kenny Stancil, "First Processed Produce in Central Kentucky: A Pre-feasibility Study," The Food Connection, University of Kentucky, May 2016.
Rossi, J., H. Hyden, T. Woods, A. Davis, L. Breslin, J. Allen IV, “Fayette County Local Food Demand Assessment,” Staff Paper No. 493, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, December 2015.
Davis, Alison F, Richard Maurer, James Mansfield, Chandler Purdom, Karen Fawcett, and James Allen IV, "An Evaluation of Agricultural Development Board Investments in Kentucky Agriculture 2007-2014: KADF Projects, Programs, & the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation," Executive Summary provided to the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board, November 20, 2015.
Davis, Alison F, James Allen IV, Michael Childress, Jeffrey Talbert, and Richard Maurer, “An Evaluation of ARC Health Projects, 2006 – 2010,” report provided to Appalachian Regional Commission, 2015.
Burney, Shaheer, and Alison F Davis, Determinants of Entrepreneurship from the Kentucky Entrepreneurship Survey, Staff Paper No. 495, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky. August 2015.
Burney, Shaheer, and Alison F Davis, The Importance of Agriculture for Kentucky, Staff Paper No. 494, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, February 2015.
Robbins, Lynn W, and James Allen IV, Economic Gardening and the Grow Kentucky Program, Staff Paper No. 491, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, June 2015.