Contact Information

Sarah Bowker
Managing Director

824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383


Publication | Story Circles: A Powerful Engagement Technique

Publication | Story Circles: A Powerful Engagement Technique

Publication | Story Circles: A Powerful Engagement Technique


A story circle is a highly structured engagement technique that comes out of the field of cultural community development. Story circles involve a group of people who each share a personal experience based on a specific storytelling prompt, with no conversation allowed until the debriefing and analysis stage at the end (“cross- talk”). This method reduces power dynamics by allowing everyone to have an equal voice. It promotes deep listening and productive conversation about thorny organizational and social issues by starting with people’s personal stories, rather than their opinions. It also results in a powerful bonding experience, encouraging shared meaning-making and collective development.

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Contact Information

Sarah Bowker
Managing Director

824 Bull Lea Run Suite 222 Lexington, KY 40511-9383
